Sep 20, 2018

The Curiosity Rover at Gale Crater, Mars

LOCATION: Prescott Public Library, Founders’ Suites A and B
SPEAKER: Sarah Lamm, Graduate Student, NAU
COMMENTS: The Curiosity rover has spent more than half a decade traversing a large, sediment-filled crater on Mars. Through detailed geological analyses performed by the rover’s experimental equipment, scientists have identified an episode of geologic time when Gale crater was once filled with a large lake fed by local streams. As the rover continues to explore different geologic units, the science team continues to interpret the evolution of Mars’ environment over time in an effort to decipher why Mars evolved from a much wetter environment to the cold and dry desert that it is today. In this talk, Sarah will discuss how the Curiosity rover has revolutionized our understanding of Martian environmental history, Curiosity’s future exploration goals, and the future of NASA’s Mars exploration program.