Club Contacts!

To learn more about the Prescott Astronomy Club contact us at info@prescottastronomyclub.org or send email to one of the board members listed below.

Roland Albers


Ask me about:

  • Our club meetings and other activities
  • Our loaner telescope program
  • Getting the most out of your PAC membership
  • I've been an avid amateur astronomer since childhood, concentrating
    mostly on visual observing but with occasional forays into
    astrophotography. I moved to the Prescott area several years ago,
    primarily for its dark skies. It didn't take me long to realize a life-long dream
    by building a small observatory in my backyard. What a treat it is to step outside
    and in minutes be observing or photographing in the star-filled skies of Prescott!

    I am honored to be able to contribute to the Prescott Astronomy Club as president. I look forward to furthering the club's mission of bringing together people interested in astronomy, helping them develop their skills and knowledge of astronomy, and promoting the public's interest in astronomy.


    Brian Blau

    Vice President

    Ask me about:

  • Club monthly meetings
  • Star parties
  • School and Camp Outreach
  • As a passionate astrophotographer and volunteer, I am
    honored to be the VP of the Prescott Astronomy Club.

    2025 is my 6th year in the astrophotography hobby but my experiences
    with cameras and image processing go back to the beginning of my professional career. I have always been fascinated by technology and astronomy fits in perfectly so I'll always be inquisitive and excited when we talk about the night sky.

    Contact me to discuss any club issue but especially if you have any questions on topics like club meetings, speakers, and outreach opportunities.


    Art Arnold-Roksandich


    Ask me about:

  • General questions
  • Night Sky Network
  • NAU Space Grants
  • Membership
  • Dues
  • Payments to and from Club
  • Club PayPal Website
  • I have been getting out and looking up for about 20 years.

    I’m a relatively new member of the Prescott Astronomy Club as are most of the current officers.

    We are beginning to return to more regular activities and I’m always interested in members’ input. Let me know what you would like the club to do or provide going forward.

    If you have questions about astronomy, the equipment, observing, where to go, etc, please contact me or any of our officers. If we can’t help you, we will direct you to somebody who can.

    I am always interested in improving the club. Let me know your thoughts.


    Jack Evans

    Club Secretary

    Ask me about:

  • Club communications
  • Documents and Forms
  • Board Meeting Minutes

  • s@prescottastronomyclub.org

    James Vaughan

    Director at Large

    Ask me about:

  • General Questions
  • Radio Astronomy

  • I am a retired Information Technology professional and GIS analyst
    from Austin, Texas. My wife and I moved to the Prescott area on leap
    year day of 2020.

    My interest in astronomy stems from growing up during the “space race”
    and hearing news of new developments in science and technology
    almost every day during my youth. I bought my first telescope in 1987
    and enjoyed doing backyard astronomy for many years.

    My current equipment consists of a 10 inch Meade LX200 GPS, a
    Seestar S50, and a homemade hydrogen line radio telescope. I am
    interested in visual observation and radio astronomy, and am currently
    investigating how the Seestar could be used to collect photometric data for variable stars.

    I particularly enjoy participating in outreach events (star parties) where I get to show the beauties and wonders of the night sky to members of the public. It is an honor to be selected to serve on the club board, and I hope to be able to contribute to the success of the club.


    Ken Olson

    Director at Large

    Ask me about:

  • General Questions
  • I have lived in California, Georgia, and in Arizona, working as
    a Lab Technician on signals, noise, and vibration equipment. My
    interest in astronomy began in my twenties and, upon retiring, I
    began to take up the hobby in earnest. Now living in Chino Valley where
    there are clear, dark skies for viewing much of the year, I own a
    10 inch Meade telescope, an 8 inch Celestron, and a 100mm
    Lunt H-Alpha for solar viewing. I like to help at Star Parties, showing the wonders in our skies.


    Lisa Anderson

    Director at Large

    Ask me about:

  • General Questions
  • After moving away from the city and seeing real stars, I took
    a couple of astronomy classes at the local college and I was hooked!

    I then volunteered as a teaching assistant for college’s astronomy
    lab classes for 15 years and then went on to work at Griffith Observatory
    in Los Angeles as a guide.

    For the last 30 years, I have enjoyed sharing my passion with students of any age who are eager to learn about the sky.


    John Chakel

    Director at Large

    Ask me about:

  • General Questions
  • After moving away from the city and seeing real stars, I took
    a couple of astronomy classes at the local college and I was hooked!

    I am a retired scientist and business professional. After living and working for 38 years in the San Francisco Bay area, my wife, Lynn, and I chose to relocate to the Prescott area in 2023 for the moderate climate and darker skies.

    My interest in astronomy began as a youngster in the mid 1960’s during the “space race”. My parents gave me a 60mm refractor telescope for Christmas and then larger 3.5” reflector telescope on a following Christmas. Studying the Moon and viewing Saturn, Jupiter and Mars was a favorite pastime. My astronomical journey continued over the years interrupted by school and work. Fast forwarding to present, I image when conditions are good with an Astrophysics 92mm refractor/Mach2GTO mount or directly view the heavens through another scope in my stable (12” SW Dobsonian, 11” Celestron SCT, 6” Intes-Alter MCT, and a 5” Stellarvue refractor).

    I enjoy participating at club star parties, and assisting new observers look into the night sky and see the treasures that await. The dark skies of the greater Prescott area are truly part of this area’s heritage, and in need of preservation. I will continue to support PAC’s efforts to preserve them.
