Mar 16, 2017

High-Tech Navigation Before GPS; How The SR-71 Found Its Targets

LOCATION: Prescott Public Library
SPEAKER: Pat Bledsoe, USAF Colonel retired, Alaska Airlines Captain, retired
COMMENTS: In 1957, the CIA and the Air Force began a search for a reconnaissance aircraft that would be invulnerable to surface-to-air missiles. Lockheed won the design competition over Convair, and began serious development work in September 1959, which resulted in the A-12, YF-12, and finally the SR-71. The SR-71 served the U.S. all over the world until it was retired by the Air Force in 1990. Colonel Bledsoe, who flew the SR-71 for seven years, explained how the aircraft was built and operated, with special emphasis on its unique astro-inertial navigation system.  The Question and Answer that followed his presentation had to be cut off because of the 8:00 PM Library closing time!  Every seat was filled and everyone left with a better understanding of the SR-71, its mission and what the military world was like during the Vietnam and later conflict periods.